Cattle rancher Bundy takes on big government, backed by a lot of bull

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By now, most of us are familiar with Cliven Bundy, the Nevada cattle rancher who decided paying the million dollars in grazing fees he owed to the Federal Bureau of Land Management was not necessary.

The showdown between hundreds of Bundy's armed supporters and federal agents sent to confiscate his herd was a perfect storm of selfish political philosophy.  It was, his supporters said, another case of big government imposing on the rights of an individual.

By now, most of us are familiar with Cliven Bundy, the Nevada cattle rancher who decided paying the million dollars in grazing fees he owed to the Federal Bureau of Land Management was not necessary.

The showdown between hundreds of Bundy's armed supporters and federal agents sent to confiscate his herd was a perfect storm of selfish political philosophy.  It was, his supporters said, another case of big government imposing on the rights of an individual.

Needless to say, these magic words caused a lot of dissatisfied citizens, especially Tea Party and Libertarian conservatives, to rally to the rancher's cause. Forget for a moment that his cause was basically taking what was not his from the land owned collectively by you, me, and all other Americans.

I kind of want to go to the nearest federal office and use their stationary, paperclips, and copier toner with no intention of reimbursing the United States.  Or maybe load my plate up the Congressional all-you-can-eat shrimp and lobster tail buffet in Washington, D.C. and not settle my bill with the nice federal employee at the cash register.

One of Bundy's supporters, Shawna Cox, characterized the standoff this way: “This is the beginning of taking America back.”

Well, now, that’s something to think on.  Just who are you taking the country back from?

Have you been sold on the idea that those with whom you disagree socially or politically have somehow stolen what you think the nation should be?  Have you been convinced that because of these “others,” people who are not like you in their values or ambitions, the United States is less than it once was and not what it could be?

If you have, I dare say you are mistaken.  This country is moving through history and changing in the same way its population is.  The changes in America are a direct reflection of what its people deem to be desirable.

Funny thing is, the powerful forces that want you to believe the United States is somehow being stolen are exactly the ones who are stealing it.  They want you to blame other Americans for your dissatisfaction with the way things are when, in fact, they have been doing everything they can to increase the size of their slice of the economic pie while reducing yours.

In other words, those rich people who want you to blame the poor people are playing you while they grow wealthier.  And their twisted way of presenting the world turns up in the feeble mindsets of stooges like Cliven Bundy.

He is no patriot, and those who say he is are just trying to make hay for their political cause.  They quickly jumped on his bandwagon, but exited just as swiftly when he articulated his ugly racist opinions.

He does not stand for our rights or freedom.  He is merely being selfish.  And like so many others who strive to attain more by ensuring you and I get less, he is not only wrong, he is un-American.

Pat Grimes, a former South Bay resident, writes from Ypsilanti, Mich. He can be reached at