Contracts agreed at council meeting

By Brett Callwood

At the City Council meeting on the evening of Tuesday, June 25, a number of items passed, mostly unanimously.

Item 12A saw the two-year budget pass, while Item 12B, “which establishes the City’s Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 at $143,472,346, as required by Article XIII (B) of the California Constitution,” also passed without fuss.

12C authorizes the City Manager to purchase and bind insurance coverage in the amount of $113,122 for fiscal year 2023-2024 and $2,499,081 for fiscal year 2024-2025, for a total of $2,612,203.” That passed unanimously too.

Item 13A had to do with labor transparency. “Staff has drafted an Ordinance that would require contractors and their subcontractors working in the City to disclose any pending or final determinations pertaining to state or federal labor violations and any penalties paid to any government agencies related to such violations within the prior five (5) years, and to provide certain information about their workers’ compensation insurance,” read the staff note. That passed unanimously.

Police Item 15A requested “Authorization to Purchase Five (5) Patrol Vehicles from National Auto Fleet Group in the Amount of $290,998 and Expend Build-Out Costs in the Amount of $101,042 for a Total of $392,040.”

That passed, as did Public Works Item 16A, “Approve a Contract Change Order to David Volz Design Landscape Architects, Inc., for Professional Design Services in the amount of $18,626 for the Civic Center Lighting Improvements Project, JN 528.”

Transportation Items 18A and 18B both passed unanimously. 18A called for the  approval of a contract with “Red Kite Consulting, Inc. for Training Services in the Amount of $130,280 and a Project Total of $143,308.

18B was a request to, “Ratify Administrative Approval of the Purchase of Driver Protective Barriers from New Flyer Industries in the Amount of $131,838.40 and a Project Total of $145,022.40.”

The only item that didn’t get unanimous approval was 14A, “Approval of the Budget for International Travel for the City of Gardena’s visit to Ichikawa, Japan, in celebration of the 90th Anniversary of Ichikawa City becoming a municipality.”

Staff recommended that the council designate, “one (1) Council Member who will travel to Ichikawa, Japan, and approve budget for International Travel for Mayor Tasha Cerda and one (1) Council Member.”

The council voted in favor of Council Member Wanda Love with a 4-1 vote. The only “no” vote came from Mayor Cerda, which may make that journey to Japan a little awkward.