Contracts approved at City Council meet

By Brett Callwood

At the City Council meeting on the evening of Tuesday, September 10, a number of contracts were approved as the evening passed largely without incident.

Administrative Services Item 12A called for, “Authorization to Lease to Purchase 2024 Tesla Model Y from Enterprise Fleet Management with a Down Payment in the Amount of $57,057, and Monthly Fees Over a 60-Month Period in the Amount of $8,461 for a Total Requested Amount of $65,518. 

That vote passed unanimously, as did12B, “Approval of Side Letter between the City of Gardena and the Gardena Municipal Employees Association (‘GMEA’).

The latter is an effort to “stay competitive in the job market and increase retention.”

Community Development Item 13A called for a “Review Of The Façade Improvement Conceptual Design and Program For The Gardena Boulevard Revitalization Program.” That passed unanimously.

There were a lot of Public Works Items, including 16A, to “Award Construction Contract for the Artesia Boulevard Arterial Improvement Project, JN 935, from Western Avenue to Vermont Avenue to DASH Construction Company in the amount of $5,311,440.36. Additionally, Award Construction Management and Inspection Services Contract to Anser Advisory, in the amount of $358.279.50, Approve the Design Contract Change Order Services to Cannon Corporation in the amount of $52,181.00, Approve the Project Plans & Specifications, Approve a Budget Appropriation of $775,000 for 18% Project Contingency and Job Cost, and Declare California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Exemption under Section 15301.” 

That passed unanimously, as did 16B, “Award Construction Contract for the Pedestrian Safety Improvement FY 2023-2024 Project (Phase 2), JN 527, to Kalban, Inc., in the amount of $199,679, Declare California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Exemption under Section 15301, Approve the Project Specifications and Budget Contingency.”

16C (“Authorization to Purchase 2024 Ford Crew Cab F350 Pickup Truck from Downtown Ford Sacramento in the amount of $69,616.49 and Sell Current 1999 Chevrolet Crew Cab 2500 Pickup Truck at Estimated Residual Value of $3,000 for the Public Works Department”) and 16D (“Approve a Cooperative Agreement between the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works and the City of Gardena to share costs for the County Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program (TSSP) Project, JN 518, on East Rosecrans Ave.”) quickly passed unanimously.

16E was the one item that split the vote. “Approve On-Call Professional Services for General Civil Engineering Design, Construction Management and Inspection, Traffic Engineering, Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Geotechnical Engineering/Geology and Material Testing, and Staff Augmentation.” Both Council Members Paulette Francis and Wanda Love voted “No,” as the item passed 3-2.

Transportation Item 18A, the approval of “GTrans Proposed Service Changes for January 2025,” passed unanimously.