(NAPS)—As a parent, life is chaotic. Some days can feel like a race to get through, but when we slow down and savor a joyful moment of simplicity, we never regret it. Positive memories that involve lively activities and healthful foods, like blueberries, can set kids on a positive path, instilling shared memories and good choices to last a lifetime.
(NAPS)—As a parent, life is chaotic. Some days can feel like a race to get through, but when we slow down and savor a joyful moment of simplicity, we never regret it. Positive memories that involve lively activities and healthful foods, like blueberries, can set kids on a positive path, instilling shared memories and good choices to last a lifetime.
To make this summer unforgettable, the Blueberry Council is sharing 100 Bite-Size Summer Moments—simple, enjoyable, wholesome and delicious things to do as a family. Here are 25 “bites,” or ideas for things to do together to kick off the summer. You can find detailed recipes and blueberry farm locations, plus new Bite-Size ideas every two weeks now–August, at littlebluedy namos.com:
•Slow it down on your nature walk—take pics of the coolest and weirdest things you see, then look them up when you get home.
•Pick your own blueberries at a nearby farm—make something fun or eat ’em fresh!
•Pack up paper and art supplies for a trip to the local zoo and draw the animals you like best. Can you say arts and giraffes?
•Punch up your lunch with a family picnic! Everyone gets to choose or make one thing he or she likes the most.
•Stir up an adults-only beverage with Blueberry Moscow Mules. The occasion? Life.
•Establish a “no-phone zone” at meals. Replace texting with talking! What did YOU learn/do today?
•Host a recipe swap party with friends. Discover healthy, fun snacks for kids AND the latest gossip. #WinWin.
•Try your hand at fun-shaped pancakes. Not artistically inclined? Everyone can make a delicious smiley face out of blueberries!
•Challenge kids to make their own recipes using only ingredients already at home. (It’s not lazy, it’s resourceful!)
•Shop together for exotic new fruits or veggies to try—like star fruit or artichokes—and find recipes to use them.
•Preserve the taste of summer with homemade blueberry jam. Your future self will be grateful!
•Go for gold with your own Summer Olympics at the pool with races, relays and other games.
•Make each member of the family a “Wellness Wednesday” jar to drop in activity and healthy food ideas. Every Wednesday, pick one from each jar and let the wellness wash over you.
•Plant blueberry bushes on your property. The environment and your family will thank you!
•Give your kids’ roadside stand an edge with bright blueberry lemonade.
•Get ready for long car trips and beach vacays with a neighborhood book swap.
•Got picky eaters? Entice them with a build-your-own-smoothie bar full of fruits/veggies.
•Plan a neighborhood “progressive playdate,” moving from house to house to enjoy different “play stations.”
•Rally the kids for a local playground/park cleanup day.
•Clear space for a serious dance floor. Rock the house with a Zumba party or try out the funniest moves you can find on YouTube.
•Hit your local blueberry festival for tasty treats and activities.
•Make a friend’s day with a surprise letter! Fill the envelope with fun paper gifts like a handmade bookmark, stickers or confetti—and don’t forget to decorate the envelope!
•Practice “Muffin Tin Math”; with toddlers, letting them count and categorize healthy snacks in muffin tins or ice cube trays.
•Take turns storytelling—each person contributes one sentence at a time. Write down or record for lasting family memories.
•Chill out with some guilt-free, homemade ice pops with frozen fruit. Here’s how:
Red, White and Blueberry Popsicles
Makes 4
1 cup vanilla yogurt
1 cup frozen blueberries, thawed
1 cup diced watermelon
4 popsicle sticks and mold
In a blender, add blueberries and 5 tablespoons yogurt; puree until smooth. Divide blueberry mixture among the ice pop molds, filling them about ¹⁄³ of the way. Freeze 1–2 hours. Add a layer of 2 tablespoons yogurt on top of frozen blueberry layer to each ice pop mold. Freeze 1 hour until almost completely frozen. In the meantime, puree watermelon and 1 tablespoon yogurt in a blender. When the yogurt layer is almost completely frozen, add watermelon mixture to form top layer of the ice pops. Push in the pop handles. Freeze another 1–2 hours.
Keep this list handy for inspiration and adventure, marking off each one as you live it, and find more ideas from the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council at: