Contracts agreed at council meeting

By Brett Callwood

A number of contracts were agreed at the City Council meeting on the evening of Tuesday, March 12, which passed without drama.

Community Development item 13A called for, “Amending Chapter 18.60 of the Gardena Municipal Code and Sections of 5.08.170, 8.16.030 and 8.16.050 relating to temporary use permits and temporary events permits, and amending Section 5.04.160 and 5.04.278 of Title 5 relating permits and finding the Ordinance is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to the common sense exemption set forth in Guidelines section 15061(b)(3) and section 15304 for minor alterations to land.”

This is considered a minor alteration to the Gardena Municipal Code. A temporary permit would allow for: Off site contractor construction yards including the storage of materials; a mobile home as a temporary residence for the property owner; and a trailer or mobile home as a temporary worksite. 

The item was sent back to the planning commission with a 4-1 pass. Council member Paulette Francis was the one “no vote.”

Item 13B called for, “Amending the Gardena Municipal Code to implement the programs set forth in the City’s 6th Cycle 2021-2029 Housing Element and changes required by State law.” That item passed unanimously.

13C also passed unanimously, “extending a temporary moratorium on significant tobacco retailers for an additional year to March 27, 2025.”

The council agreed to a one-year Agreement with Townsend Public Affairs, Inc. for Legislative Advocacy and Grant Funding Services in the amount of $84,000, while they approved and Authorized the Director of Public Works to “execute an Authorization for Crossing Improvements between the City of Gardena and Union Pacific Railroad for the Western Avenue Railroad Crossing Improvement Project JN 537. Additionally, approve Budget Appropriation of $120,000 from Measure M Local.”

Finally, they awarded a “Sidewalk Trip Hazard Removal Contract for the Pedestrian Safety Project FY 2023-2024, JN 527, to Southern California Precision Concrete Inc. in the Amount of $171,571.73, approve 10% construction contingency, and Declare California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Exemption.”

The council adjourned until the next meeting on Tuesday, March 26.