Contracts agreed at November council meeting

At the City Council meeting on the evening of Tuesday, November 19, Public Works item 16A called for the council to, “Award construction contract for the Western Avenue and Normandie Avenue Railroad Crossing Rehabilitation Projects, JN 537 & 540, to Cali State Paving, Inc. in the amount of $240,220. Additionally, declare California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemption under Section 15301, approve the project plans & specifications and project contingency.”

That passed unanimously 4-0 (Council Member Wanda Love was absent due to illness),

as did item 16B: “Approval of  consultant engineering staff augmentation services from Project Partners, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $242,000.”

Staff requested the approval of transportation item 18A, “Approve Purchase of Six (6), 40-foot Zero-Emission Battery Electric Buses for $9,125,616, Authorize Program Total of $10,038,178, and Approve Payment Milestones.”

That passed unanimously, as did 18B, “Approve award of contract to the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company for Bus Tire Lease Services for a contract amount of $537,772 and a project total of $645,326; and approve the purchase the remaining life on existing tires from Michelin North America, Inc. at an amount not to exceed $138,000.”