By Brett Callwood
At the City Council meeting on the evening of Tuesday, January 28, Departmental Item 13A called for the adoption of Ordinance 1878, “Amending Section 18.08.010 of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Established Zones, Amending the Gardena Zoning Map by Rezoning the 5.25 Acre Property Located at 16829, 16835, and 16907 South Normandie Avenue to Normandie Crossing Specific Plan, Rezoning the 0.11 Acre Property located at 16964 Brighton Avenue to Single Family Residential, Rezoning the 0.43 Acre Property located at the Eastern Edge of the Specific Plan Area to Official, Approving the Normandie Crossing Specific Plan, including the Site Plan Contained therein, Approving a Development Agreement, and Approving an Affordable Housing Agreement Relating to the Normandie Crossing Specific Plan.”
This has been a hot button item with Gardena residents since plans for the 328-unit building were made public, with many claiming that the large structure will be an eyesore. Conversely, many local construction workers spoke to say that they’d welcome to work in the area.
A staff note read: “On January 14, 2025, the Gardena City Council held a public hearing regarding Ordinance No. 1878, which establishes the Normandie Crossing Specific Plan. At the conclusion of the hearing, the City Council adopted three resolutions approving the project, and then introduced Ordinance No. 1878 with the amendment to have the Development Agreement require a quarterly Local Supplier Report. The ordinance is now being presented to the City Council for its second reading and adoption.”
The item passed 3-2, with Mayor Tasha Cerda, Mayor Pro Tem Rodney Tanaka and Council Member Mark Henderson voting in favor. Council Members Paulette Francis and Wanda Love voted against.