Community Service Officer Jay Mathieu works the grill at the Oct. 16 Gardena Police Department Pancake
Breakfast at the Gardena Civic Plaza. Mathieu was one of several GPD personnel manning the grill that
morning. Proceeds from the annual breakfast benefit the GPD’s K-9 team.
Photo by Gary Kohatsu Detective Bobby Rosales of the Gardena Police Department switches gears and works the pancake grill at the Oct. 16 pancake breakfast fundraiser. The annual breakfast raises funds for the GPD K-9 unit. This year’s event was tied in the city’s Harvest Festival. More photos on pages 6-7.At left, city Recreation Department staffers offer assistance at the breakfast. Rec Leader II Kelly Abyad serves pineapple chunks to a guest. At right are Stephany Santin, director of the Gardena Recreation and Human Services Department and GPD Lt. David Brock.GPD Chief Mike Saffell celebrated his birthday at the Oct. 16 Breakfast. The breakfast also tied in with the city of Gardena’s Harvest Festival, which replaced the Heritage Festival in 2021.GPD Capt. Vince Osorio, right, addresses the crowd of visitors at the pancake breakfast while Chief Mike Saffell checks out his birthday gift. At left are Councilman Art Kaskanian, Lt. David Brock, Saffell and Capt. Todd Fox.GPD Chief Mike Saffell, right, shares a laugh with Gardena Councilman Art Kaskanian, left, and Lt. David Brock. Saffell celebrated his bStuffed K-9 dogs were among the many K-9 unit items available for purchase at the GPD Pancake Breakfast on Oct. 16. Other available items included caps, T-shirts, sweatshirts and collectables. Additional K-9 team pictures, Harvest Festival and Chili Cookoff photos will be featured in a coming issue of the GVN.
Photo by Gary Kohatsu Detective Bobby Rosales of the Gardena Police Department switches gears and works the pancake grill at the Oct. 16 pancake breakfast fundraiser. The annual breakfast raises funds for the GPD K-9 unit. This year’s event was tied in the city’s Harvest Festival. More photos on pages 6-7.