By Brett Callwood
Council Member Paulette Francis was the Mayor Pro Tem through 2023, returning to her position of Council Member for this calendar year. One of two incumbents on the March ballot, alongside current Mayor Pro Tem Mark Henderson, Francis told the GVN about why Gardena should keep her on the council…
You’ve obviously been on the council for a few years now. How do you look back on the last year?
I am pleased with the progress the city has made. However I believe the city has to do more to empower Gardena residents and give them access to city, state and county resources.
What are your greatest achievements on the council?
My greatest achievement was working with state legislators during COVID 19 epidemic to ensure Gardena residents access to medical supplies, mortgage and rental protections, food and other necessities. Also I am pleased to be in to hold city administrators accountable to improving the quality of life for Gardena residents.
Should you be successful again this time, what is your next priority? What work is still to be done?
I want to make life easier for more Gardena residents. Easier access to quality low cost healthcare, affordable housing, life sustaining employment, afterschool tutoring and greater governmental accountability to the people of Gardena. I will continue to work with our state and county legislators and colleagues to pass public policies and allocate the funding to make these goals a reality.
It feels like recent council meetings have been a little snappy. Why do you think that is? Is there a danger that this election could get ugly?
Whenever people are debating policy, things can get personal. That’s one of the reasons I have concerns about one’s spouse or intimate partners serving on the city council together.
Gardena residents should vote for you because….
I am an advocate and the independent voice for the residents of Gardena. I pray that they will give me an opportunity to continue to speak truth to power and demand results.