Junipero Serra High School, a Catholic, college preparatory high school located in the city of Gardena, is putting the finishing touches on a new construction project dedicated to honoring the longstanding and tremendous success of its student-athletes.
The foyer, located on the north side of the existing gymnasium, will house the many championship plaques, trophies and awards earned by Cavalier students-athletes over the school’s history.
Junipero Serra High School, a Catholic, college preparatory high school located in the city of Gardena, is putting the finishing touches on a new construction project dedicated to honoring the longstanding and tremendous success of its student-athletes.
The foyer, located on the north side of the existing gymnasium, will house the many championship plaques, trophies and awards earned by Cavalier students-athletes over the school’s history.
Principal Jeff Guzman is thrilled for the long overdue project. “Over Serra’s history, our student-athletes have used their God-given talents and have been blessed to experience much success. Serra has never had a central location on campus to highlight our student-athletes’ achievements, and now we do.”
The success is indeed impressive. Since 1950, Serra Cavaliers have earned eight state championships, 41 CIF championships and 91 league championships. In additional, Serra coaches have been named ‘State Coach of the Year’ eight times.
Continuing a rich tradition beginning in 1950, Junipero Serra High School offers its students a vibrant Catholic and college preparatory education. Owned and operated by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Serra exists to empower students to strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ. Learn more about the Serra student experience at, @SerraCavaliers, and