LA County Fire Station 158 in Gardena was the winner of the Chili Cook-Off Amateur Division at the Oct. 16 coty of gardena harvest Festival. From left are firefighters Evan Atzmiller and Cunningham, Council Rodney Tanaka, LAFD heavy driver Anthony Dixon, Councilman Art Kaskanian, Mayor Tasha Cerda, Capt. Jamie Hernandez (head cook) and firefighter Jose Zavala. Hernandez's winning recipe sealed the deal for Station 158.
At right are chili samples from Brandyn Powell of “Oh My Burger,” were served to Harvest Festival attendees. The other division of competition in the chili cook-off was for amateur cooks. Photos by Gary KohatsuChef Q of Chefism is all smiles as he prepares to serve chili samples from his special recipe. He competed in the Professional Competition which was won by Cherrystones. The inaugural chili cook-off was part of the Harvest Festival, which replaced the city’s Heritage Fest.Los Angeles Fire Department heavy driver Anthony Dixon shows his style while cooking his best chili. The competition in the amateur division included his fellow firefighters from Station 158.Below, student Leilani Dexter, 17, was among the many who sampled chili and voted for their favorites. Winners received a trophy and a gift card. Serving as judges were Gardena police Chief Mike Saffell and his wife, and Gardena City Manager Clint Osorio.Returning to the steps of the Nakaoka Community Center for a group photo are members of Fire House 158. Capt. Jamie Hernandez, leads fire personnel Atzmiller, Zavala and Cunningham. Trailing is Anthony Dixon, who was also a chili competitor competitor in the amateur division. Hernandez carries the trophy and artwork to signify his reign as best chili cook in the station.At right, LA County Fire Station 158 in Gardena won the Amateur Chili Division at the Harvest Fest. Councilman Art Kaskanian congratulates the team, including firefighter Jose Zavala. Others are Capt. Jaime Hernandez (with trophy), Battalion Chief Erich Goetz (partially obscured) and firefighter Evan Atzmiller.