City Council meeting roundup

By Brett Callwood

At the final City Council meeting of 2022, on the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 13, the city tied up some budgetary issues before breaking for the holidays.

Departmental Item 12.B called for the council to, “Approve Microsoft Software Assurance and Licensing Agreement with Dell Technologies for $575,787.12 for the period January 1, 2023 thru December 31, 2025.”

Dell offered the best of the three quotes offered, and it’s a continuation of service so it should be relatively seamless. Without that licensing agreement, the city couldn’t continue to operate the many services and tasks that are done on the computer.

Departmental Item 13 saw a fortune telling permit granted to the Psychic Reading and Meditation Center, although they probably knew that was going to happen.

Item 15.B granted, “Authorization to Award a Two-Year Video Policing System Camera Maintenance and Repair Contract to DataGear, Inc. in the Amount Not to Exceed $133,902.40.” 

The public works items dealt with construction issues. $895,000 was granted to Griffin Structures for a Construction Management and Inspection Services Contract for the Gardena Community Aquatic and Senior Center Project. 

$314,488 was granted to California Professional Engineering, Inc. for construction of the “New Marked Crosswalk with Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon on Vermont Avenue and 133rd Street.”

$755,830 was awarded to David Volz Design Landscape Architects, Inc for the Mas Fukai Park Improvements Project, while $46, 279 was awarded to Venco Western, Inc for the Manhattan Beach Blvd. Drought Tolerant Landscape Conversion Maintenance Project