POlitical Council race heats up at forum By Gardena Valley News - May 19, 2022 Share Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest WhatsApp Candidates, including incumbents, take part in last week’s Gardena Forum hosted by the League of Women Voters (Torrance) at the Nakaoka Community Center. From left are challenger Wanda Love, Mayor Pro Tem Rodney Tanaka and Councilman Art Kaskanian. Tanaka and Kaskanian were first elected in 2017. Love is the executive director of the Gardena Chamber of Commerce. BLOOD MOON Photo by Gary Kohatsu A celestial celebration of a total lunar eclipse took place Sunday night and early Monday morning. Referred to as a “Blood Moon,” the occurrence happens when the the sun, earth and moon form a straight line in space. The moon passes through the darkest part of the earth’s shadow, creating a reddish tint in the moon as seen by stargazers in the night sky. The next Lunar eclipse will take place on Nov. 7-8. Photo by Gary Kohatsu Download QR