Apartment project developer
Cityview and CEO Sean Burton
presents a $1,500 donation to
Gardena High School students
and marching band director, Scott
Suyama. The presentation took
place at the May 19 groundbreaking ceremony, 12850 Crenshaw
Blvd., Gardena. Under development is a 265-unit apartment complex near the headquarters of Space
X and Ring. As noted in the accompanying story by Brett Callwood, “a
time capsule will be placed in the
foundations that includes the May
19, 2022 edition of the Gardena
Valley News, plus the LA Times
from the same day, a drill team
pom pom and a band drumstick
from Gardena High School, and
a letter to the community’s future
residents from Cityview.”
Photos by Gary Kohatsu
CEO Sean Burton, project developer Cityview, at right, is presented with a certificate of congratulations from Councilman Art Kaskanian, left, and Mayor Tasha Cerda. The mayor said (as noted in the accompanying story), “We’re grateful for Cityview’s expertise in sustainable multifamily development and knowledge of the surrounding area as our community grows.”A time capsule is filled by Cityview’s Melissa Delgado, VP Asset Management. A copy of the Gardena Valley News, issued that day, was among the artifacts place in the time capsule. The project’s other developer is Stockbridge. At bottom right, Gardena city officials (in the background) included Councilman Art Kaskanian, left, Gardena Police Chief Michael Saffell and Greg Tsujiuchi, Community Development director.